We caught up with Stefanie on the cusp of her entrepreneurial journey to launching her super stylish breastfeeding bra Branayama. An innovative, chic and sustainably produced nursing bras that also replaces nursing pads. Her mission is to empower mothers to stand in their beauty and power, knowing they are the ultimate life force. Through the creation of elegant products paired with innovative technology, Branayama rethinks the old world of maternity wear, making nursing easier for countless women and giving them the feeling they deserve.



Wunder Stories What inspired you to launch Branayama?

Stefanie Raffelsieper For some reason breastfeeding was a bit of a topic in my family. Both my grandmothers had three kids and none of them were breastfed. My mom has two kids and she didn’t breastfeed my sister or myself. So when I got pregnant I was kind of prepared that there might be some difficulties. But I really wanted to give it a try. 

 When my daughter was born I was lucky and embarked on a beautiful nursing journey. I nursed her for over 18 months. BUT at the same time I hated the ugly nursing bras that I had  to wear day and night. Not to mention the pads that bunch inside your bra, making your boobs look weird and they would fall out of the nursing bra all the time. 

 I was shocked that the industry did not acknowledge this problem  and I thought there must be a better option. So I started to develop a prototype. 

WS What is the inspiration behind the name Branayama?

SR Branayama is all about the women in every mother. We want mothers to care as much about themselves as they care about their babies.

Branayama is a word play on the breathing technique in yoga called Pranayama. It is the life energy that translates into a holistic attitude on living life powerfully and feeding yourself beyond the physical body and mind. 

WS What does your typical work day look like?

SR I start my day cuddling with my daughter in bed, I really look forward to that. Then I have a coffee and open my computer when she leaves the house.

 I don’t have a fixed desk. Depending on the tasks and To Do’s I sit  at the kitchen table or in the living room. And when I have to be creative I like to work in my bed. 

I enjoy cooking myself a quick lunch at around noon and afterwards I start a second work session. 

 That’s home office. But I miss those good old times working in a Café and meeting someone over lunch. There is nothing more inspiring than leaving a productive, in person meeting. 

WS What is your best advice for combining/balancing work and motherhood?

SR Split your day in work time, kids time, me time and couple/friend time. And try to turn your phone off during kids time, they deserve it (that’s a reminder to myself btw!)

 WS How has motherhood changed you?

SR It made me more confident. I am able to cut out the bullshit and only focus on what’s really important. 

WS What do you love most about raising kids in Berlin?

SR The diversity in everything. I love that she grows up with the full spectrum. 

WS What has been the hardest part of motherhood so far?

SR Definitely the first year. I was looking forward to Elternzeit, to very quickly learn the lesson that this is not my concept at all. I felt so uninspired and frustrated at that time until I started to work on Branayama. 

WS How would you describe your parenting style?

SR That’s a hard one. I try to be a role model for my daughter wherever I can and at the same time want to learn from her. I would call this cooperative style (laugh). 

WS Who is your favourite mom role model?

SR Everyone who is confident with the decision they made for themselves. This might be a woman who decides to stay home and take care of their kids full time or a mother who works full time. It inspires me to see women who just live their best version of themselves. 

WS What do you love most about motherhood?

SR Kids show you what really matters: play, eat, sleep, repeat. They slow you down and can make you really excited about earthworms. 


1) Favourite Book you are reading?

Girls, women, others. I’ve barely read something so deep and light and funny and serious at the same time – without periods and commas. (the author does not use them)

2) Favourite Kids Book?

“Die fliegende Katze” (The flying cat) That was my favorite book when I was a kid. It’s about a cat who wants to learn to fly. She asks her animal community for all different kinds of tools and makes trades with them. At the end he has no claws and gave away his  sharp sense to see in the dark - but he can fly. 

 3) Favourite local restaurant?

Let’s not even get started…. Hinterland Berlin for a date night or dinner with friends, the amazing local food and the hospitality is very special, Adana’s Grillhaus for a quick lunch snack, Brammibal’s donuts when I want to treat myself.

 4) On repeat on your playlist?

The Underdog (Spoon)

5)Favourite local shop?

Neuzwei, a designer Vintage Shop on Weserstraße focusing on timeless and classic design.


