For almost two decades I worked as a professional model, living in large metropolitan cities like London, Paris and New York. I learned a great deal at this time about mindful eating and a healthy lifestyle, but it wasn’t until I found myself struggling to become a mother that health and wellbeing became my top priority. 

After the birth of my first child, work slowed down a bit and I enrolled at The Institute For Integrative Nutrition in New York. I spent the next three years educating myself on all things nutrition and became a certified health coach with a specialty in hormonal health. With my new initiative, Eleri Health, I will help other women reach their own health and wellness goals. I will be launching Eleri Health this summer and my inaugural workshop on hormonal balance will be hosted at Wunderhaus. So watch this space!


8am (ish) 

Wake Up! We are late risers in our house, which I mainly see as blessing even though I know I could accomplish more with an extra hour or two in the day. My alarm clock is usually my youngest son’s voice coming on the baby monitor. 

Having a routine is a large part of my self-care so I start the day with a tall glass of water before making the boys’ breakfast, usually berries with cereal, yogurt or soaked oats, a family favorite. Next, I have my strong and long espresso with warm oat milk. It’s my only caffeine for the day so there’s no guilt in making it a strong one! I love a leisurely breakfast so I don’t really rush the kids to eat and get ready. Not yet anyway. Luckily, their kita has no set drop-off time.


I select the kids’ clothing for the day then head back to the kitchen to prep our daily smoothie. I find this is one of the easiest ways to sneak green into my kids’ diet. Our current favorite is frozen mango with fresh apple, spinach, strawberries and mint.

Once the kids are dressed, it’s my turn to get ready while they play. Before becoming a mother I blowed out my hair, now I just tie it back in a ponytail and let it air dry. This saves so much time and energy! 

I recently discovered the skincare line, ISUN. Everything is organic and handmade and the nutrients are kept alive with cold processing. I can literally feel my skin drinking it. I’m not a daytime makeup person so I usually go without.


After dropping the kids at kita (preschool), I head home to clean up breakfast, make beds and get the apartment back in order before I start working and carrying on with the rest of my day. I simply cannot function with a mess around me, and can only properly concentrate when things are tidy and organized. It’s a trait I battle with, but am mainly losing...


On the days I don’t go to my favorite yoga class at Soho House, I try to get a quick workout at home. The goal is to break a sweat everyday for at least 30 minutes, in order to help my body with detoxification. Obviously, as a mom to two young boys trying to start her own business, everyday is not the reality, but is definitely the goal. Normally it’s about four times a week, and I’m OK with that. I use the WaterRower now, and I love it!


Work begins! This is also a good time for me to up my daily water intake, so I never sit down without my glass Spottle Bottle. 


Lunch break. When working from home I usually make myself something quick and easy, then head back to my laptop to eat. Most of the time I eat a salad or make a nori wrap filled with anything from fish from last night’s dinner, to avocado or whatever vegetables I have on hand. I always love to get some extra Vitamin B12, so I always sprinkle on some hemp seed and coconut aminos or homemade cashew cream. (Sidenote:to any women struggling with thyroid issues, sea vegetables and vitamin B12 are great in supporting optimal thyroid function). If I’m not too busy I might meet a girlfriend for lunch. My favorite spot at the moment is Frea, a vegan, zero-waste restaurant on Torstrasse in Berlin.


Kita pick-up time! This is when my productive time ends, unless I’m feeling particularly brave and then I will drag the kids on a grocery run.


Playground with friends. I care a great deal about my female friendships. They are such an emotional support system for me. Without my strong female friendships I know I would struggle so much more. I love my husband, of course, but there is nothing quite like a great conversation with an understanding friend.


Home and dinner prep. We eat a wide array of foods at our house. I love to cook plant-based meals, and by plant-based I also mean animals who eat plants. I’ve discovered, over the years, that restricting myself from anything is simply not sustainable. I try to avoid gluten, for example, but still allow myself a gluten day here and there. With food my philosophy is to pay attention to what fuels you and your family, as it’s different for everybody. And, be mindful of quality, where your food is coming from and how it was raised.


The Battle of Bedtime begins! By 9pm they’ve usually surrendered and are sleeping in their rooms. 


I’m deep into my Netflix and Chill mode or what is also known as my happy place. I cuddle up with my man, switch off from the day and watch whatever happens to be my favorite series of the moment.


Lights and electronics out! I wish I could say I go to bed with my phone in the other room every night and fall asleep reading a great book, but unfortunately I’m not quite there yet. We can only grow by continuing to challenge ourselves and this is one I’m currently working on.

Sara is the mother of Otis (2) and Eliott (5). She is currently starting her business, Eleri Health @elerihealth, focused on improving women’s wellness, and a member of the Wunder Stories community.


